State, freedom, and ideology: digital narratives of the new right for Latin America



Today, one of the most strident phenomena of right-wing political ideology in Latin America comes from digital communication. Dozens of "influencers" and organizations, through aggressive narratives, threaten the users of the digital village to abandon any expression of solidarity, community, and collective, qualifying as a totalitarian enemy a great demon suppressor of freedom: the state and its institutions. The narrative thematization of ideological propaganda in videos and websites of organizations linked to or tending to libertarianism will be the object of analysis in terms of a semiotics of communication. The latter is understood as a process of producing meaning or semiosis rather than a mere exchange of messages between elements.
This observation provides a way of locating strategies based on the production of meanings coordinated by symbolic exchanges that are relevant for the analysis of ideologies with a hegemonic aspiration to ideals of individuality, autonomy, transparency, and absolute logical and rational choice that presuppose themselves as irrefutable. Through the analysis of the persuasive strategies of digital communication in some of these narratives, it is possible to recognize the particularities of messages embedded in networks of monetary financing, lobbying, and audiovisual influence, whose aim is to position political agendas on a dual Manichean level, on the one hand, the demonization of the state and on the other, a glorification of US capitalism as the fullest form of any ethical and economic development in history.

Palabras Clave

semiotics , communication , ideology , politics , discourse

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How to Cite

Ramirez Ibarra, R. (2023). State, freedom, and ideology: digital narratives of the new right for Latin America. Perspectivas De La Comunicación, 16(1).



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