How queer social transgressive behaviours influence audiences



Introduction: There is abundant research on the representation of the LGTBIQ+ community in fiction. However, there are few works that have examined the reception processes that connect audiences with the characters who belong to said group. Aims/Objectives: Analyze the effect of the audiovisual representation of the sexual intensity of affection expressions between LGTBIQ+ characters in the reception processes. Methodology: An online experiment was carried out with a design of two random groups (N = 177, 30.5 % LGTBIQ+ people), with the independent variable being sexual intensity (low versus high) in queer romantic love scenes. Sociodemographic and individual differences variables (frequency of contact and attitudes towards the LGTBIQ+ community) were measured. Immediately after viewing the audiovisual pieces, the reception variables (identification with the protagonist, evaluation, parasocial interaction, and felt emotions) were evaluated. Results: The results showed that both ways of expressing affection exerted a similar effect on the reception processes. Belonging to the LGTBIQ+ community, contact with LGTBIQ+ people, and maintaining favorable attitudes towards said group were related to a more positive reception. Discussion: Individual differences act as predictor variables of reception processes, as proposed by the model of differential susceptibility to media effects. Conclusions: Our work contributes to the research on reception processes in which people who belong to stigmatized groups are involved, in this case, the LGTBIQ+ community.

Palabras Clave

LGBT/LGTBIQ , entertainment , reception , experiment , emotions , identification with the protagonist

Author Biographies

Diana Mediavilla-Lomas, Universidad de Salamanca

Graduada en el Máster Universitario en Comunicación Audiovisual: Investigación e Innovación

Juan-José Igartua, Universidad de Salamanca

Doctor en psicología social

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How to Cite

Mediavilla-Lomas, D., & Igartua, J.-J. (2024). How queer social transgressive behaviours influence audiences . Perspectivas De La Comunicación, 17.