Politicians in Chilean television: to be or not to be in morning shows




Politicians currently participate in entertainment programs to approach their voters in a festive manner. In this deployment they resort to personalization, that is, the tendency to highlight personal, biographical and private aspects over ideological or partisan issues. In order to describe this television appearance in Chilean morning shows in the electoral context (2020-2021), a mixed exploratory study was carried out, with content analysis of segments shown on TV and 16 focus groups with regular audiences of these programs. The results show that there are differences according to the type of elections held: the first and the second presidential round lead the private references to politicians, while the election of governors is the one that gathers the least individual reviews. Indeed, the public appreciates the incorporation of political issues and topics in these broadcasts, but they are cautious about the exposure of intimate aspects of politicians. Transparency and honesty in management are more valued than the private life of the public official.

Palabras Clave

television programs , political personalization , electoral context , politainment , content analysis , focus groups

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How to Cite

Walker, M. M. (2024). Politicians in Chilean television: to be or not to be in morning shows. Perspectivas De La Comunicación, 17. https://doi.org/10.56754/0718-4867.2024.3501