Children‘s identification processes with television characters: case studies about colombian children and their favorite cartoon programs.
- Luis Fernando Cuervo
- Julián Andrés Burgos
- Adriana Ángel-Botero
Through the articulation of psychoanalysis and narrative analysis this study explores the processes of identification of children audiences with their favorite cartoon television programs. In order to understand the characteristics of identification processes, this study explores the way in which both the structure of cartoons and the affective histories of children influence children‘s identification with their favorite television characters. To achieve that understanding we a) analyzed the narrative elements of the television programs, b) explored the children‘s affective history, and c) examined how these narrative elements and affective histories influence the appropriation of television programs. These three scenarios were examined through case study on four Colombian children between 6 to 10 years old. The analysis showed that affective factors of children‘s personal history constitute a significant source of mediation on the appropriation of cartoons. In addition, the narrative elements of the programs become an essential motivation on children‘s fantasies.Palabras Clave
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